A quick and efficient way to fill your belly is this super simple cauliflower and broccoli gratin. You should already have all the ingredients at hand, but for the sake of order, here's the list:

  • 1 Broccoli
  • 1 Cauliflower
  • About 4 tablespoons vegan margarine
  • About 3-4 heaped tablespoons wheat flour
  • 1 liter Milk (I usually use unsweetened soy or almond, use what you prefer)
  • About 1/2 cube vegetable bouillon
  • About 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • Pepper and nutmeg


Start melting the butter, meanwhile chop up the broccoli and cauliflower.

Broccoli and cauliflower 😍

Once the butter has melted, add the flour.


Once the flour is stirred into the butter without lumps etc., gradually add milk until all the milk is used up. Here, I like to add a bit at a time and "ride the dragon", that is, maintain some consistency. You can do what you want, but if you add the milk too quickly it will get cold and the viscosity will go down the drain.

Vegan milk 😋

As the butter-flour-milk mixture begins to warm up, you can put all the chopped cauliflower and broccoli into an ovenproof dish.

Broccoli ready

Once all the milk is in the pot, throw in the nutritional yeast, soup broth, pepper, and a good amount of nutmeg. Taste and adjust, you can exaggerate a bit since the taste gets diluted in the rest of the food etc. I like it a bit salty and spicy.
When the milk pot has all the ingredients stirred in and has simmered a bit, you can pour it over the cauliflower and broccoli. Then toss it into the oven. Let it stand for about 25 minutes, until done.


Now you have 25 minutes to prepare a side dish. Good luck. After 25 minutes, take the gratin out and pop it in your mouth.
