Although not was I ended up using, FullPageOS is a pretty nifty solution if you need a display to show one or more web pages. Eventually i ended up using chillipie-kiosk (linked below).

Jeg har en hemmelig intern webside som jeg gjerne vil vise på en skjerm ved hjelp av Raspberry Pi

FullPageOS isn't half bad. I've steered clear of similar software in the past as I don't consider them to be totally set-up-and-forget. Instead, i've been tinkering with bash scripts and causing a ruckus. Don't get me wrong, my tinkering has truly been set-up-and-forget, but it takes aaaaaaages to get set up. That's not the case with FullPageOS.

A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot - guysoft/FullPageOS

Grab their image from here. While we're waiting for the download, dig out a Pi from the drawer.

My "rPi og sånt" drawer

Flash the image to an SD card using your software of choice. I use USB Image Tool.

Flasher minnekortet med img filen. 

Boot up the Raspberry Pi with the SD card and wait for the following image:

FullpageOS ready for business

Get remote access to the Pi using putty or something similar. Username is pi and the password is raspberry.

sudo nano /boot/fullpageos.txt Enter the desired webpage, save, and close.