
Since I was first introduced to virtualization, ESXi has been my go-to solution. Its reliability, performance, and robust feature set made it an indispensable tool in my arsenal. But as time passed and the landscape evolved, my loyalty to ESXi began to waver.

The Broadcom Factor:

One of the key catalysts for my departure from ESXi is the influence of Broadcom. Their acquisition of VMware's vSphere assets brought about changes that I, along with many others, found concerning. The shift in focus and direction left me questioning the future of ESXi and whether it still aligned with my needs and values.

The Exodus to Proxmox:

As I grappled with these uncertainties, a significant trend emerged among my clients – a mass migration to Proxmox. Intrigued by their enthusiasm and eager to explore alternatives, I embarked on a journey to familiarize myself with Proxmox. What I discovered was nothing short of revolutionary.

two person standing on gray tile paving
Photo by Ian Schneider / Unsplash

Embracing Proxmox:

It didn't take long for me to realize that Proxmox offered everything I loved about ESXi and more. Its open-source nature, comprehensive feature set, and vibrant community support were exactly what I had been searching for. With each passing day, my confidence in Proxmox grew, and it became increasingly clear that this was the platform I wanted to build my future on.

A Paradigm Shift:

Today, as you read this blog post, know that it's being served from my Proxmox server – a symbolic representation of the paradigm shift that has taken place. It's a testament to the journey I've embarked on and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Goodbye ESXi, and hello Proxmox.


While bidding farewell to ESXi was not an easy decision, it was a necessary one. As technology continues to evolve, so must we. And in Proxmox, I've found a partner that not only meets my current needs but anticipates and embraces the future. So here's to new beginnings, to embracing change, and to the endless possibilities that await. Goodbye ESXi, and hello Proxmox – I'm excited for what's to come.